Mitchell Leisen | Subjects | Structure and Storytelling | Visual Style | Rankings

Films: Golden Earrings

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Mitchell Leisen

Mitchell Leisen is an American film and television director.

Mitchell Leisen: Subjects

Some common subjects in the films of Mitchell Leisen: Emotional problems: Music: Food:

Mitchell Leisen: Structure and Storytelling


Mitchell Leisen: Visual Style

Architecture: Camera Movement: Clothes and Appearance:


Here are ratings for various films directed by Mitchell Leisen. Everything at least **1/2 is recommended.

If you are new to the films of Mitchell Leisen, good films to start with are the comedy Midnight, and the drama Golden Earrings.

Feature films:

Wagon Train:

Some of these ratings perhaps should be higher.

Golden Earrings

Golden Earrings (1947) is a powerful drama, about Gypsies and their horrendous conflicts with the Nazis.

The new experiences hero Ray Milland undergoes mix romance with discovery of what it is like to be part of a minority. These experiences in part are an allegory about "gay awakening": the discovery of gay feelings and a gay identity.

Golden Earrings is the likely (but uncredited) source for a good episode of the TV series The Big Valley, Hide the Children (Arthur H. Nadel, 1966).